If you are looking for a Good Samaritan coloring page kids will love, you are in the right spot! This free printable Good Samaritan coloring sheet pack is perfect for children of all ages. In addition, the free printable pack includes three unique designs that go along with the parable of the Good Samaritan. Get your free printable “love your neighbor coloring page” and more by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking the button.
Good Samaritan Coloring Page
The parable of the Good Samaritan is one that I loved as a child. Specifically, I remember being inspired by the compassion and care the Samaritan man provided the hurting man. Not only did the Good Samaritan help with immediate care, but he also ensured the hurting man was taken care of long term. Such love was shown to a man who others viewed as an enemy. Unquestionably, the parable of the Good Samaritan serves as inspiration to look beyond ourselves and to “look out for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4)
Good Samaritan Coloring Sheet
Because of the impact of the parable of the Good Samaritan on my life as a child, I wanted to make sure my children understood the deep meaning of the story as well. Therefore, I created this Good Samaritan coloring page pack. The pack includes three unique designs centered around the Good Samaritan theme. The first Good Samaritan coloring sheet portrays an image of the Good Samaritan helping the injured man. Next, the second page shows bandages with a heart and reads, “Care About Others.” Finally, the last “love your neighbor coloring page” has a neighborhood theme and depicts Luke 10:27.
Bible Crafts and Activities for Kids
The Shema Culture blog is full of ideas and inspiration to help you train your child in righteousness. I am a firm believer that learning should be fun. That’s why I’ve created fun and easy Bible activities to teach and engage your child. My kids love the 10 Commandments Scavenger Hunt, Fruit of the Spirit Bingo, and 10 Commandments Matching Game. I invite you to browse the blog or click the image below for more ideas:
FREE Printable Good Samaritan Coloring Page
Before your child begins coloring the Good Samaritan coloring sheets, I strongly suggest you open your Bible to Luke 10:25-37 and read the story aloud. Because there is something powerful about opening your Bible with your child, it is well worth the time and effort.
This simple Good Samaritan coloring page pack can be used for meaningful conversation. As your child colors the pages, ask them questions about the story. In addition, ask open-ended questions about their impression of the story and how it relates to their lives. Here are some questions to get you started:
Understanding the Story
Who are the characters in the Good Samaritan story?
What happened to the man who was hurting?
Why did the Priest and the Levite pass by without helping?
The Good Samaritan’s Actions
What did the Good Samaritan do to help the hurt man?
Why do you think the Samaritan stopped to help when others didn’t?
More Questions to Spark Conversation
Showing Kindness
How can we show kindness to someone who is hurting or in need?
Why is it important to help others, even if they are different from us?
Who is My Neighbor?
What does it mean to be a good neighbor?
How can you be a good neighbor in our community?
Being Brave and Helpful
Would you have been brave enough to help the hurting man as the Good Samaritan did?
What can we learn from the Good Samaritan about being helpful and caring?
More Questions: Digging Deeper
Connecting the Story to Our Lives
Have you ever seen someone who needed help? What did you do?
How can we apply the lessons from the Good Samaritan story in our everyday lives?
Loving Others
Why do you think Jesus/Yeshua told this story about loving others?
How does loving others show that we love God?
These questions can help kids explore the deeper meanings and lessons of the Good Samaritan story and apply them to their own lives and interactions with others. While this Good Samaritan coloring page pack is fun on its own, it can be a tool for encouraging discussion about spiritual Truth.
Good Samaritan Questions for Young Children
Here are some ideas for teaching preschool children about the parable of the Good Samaritan:
Introduce the Good Samaritan and discuss how he cared for the injured man.
Discuss the actions of the Good Samaritan, such as bandaging the man’s wounds and taking him to an inn.
Encourage preschoolers to think about ways to show kindness to others who need help.
Help children understand that anyone who needs help is our neighbor, just like the injured man in the story.
Discuss the feelings of happiness and satisfaction that come from helping others.
Encourage preschoolers to draw a picture of the Good Samaritan helping the hurt man.
Brainstorm simple acts of kindness preschoolers can do to help others, such as sharing toys or comforting a sad friend.
Love Your Neighbor Coloring Page
Transform humble coloring pages into works of art or gifts with a few craft supplies. For example, kids will enjoy turning the “Love Your Neighbor coloring page” into a card for a neighbor. After your child colors the page, mount it on a colorful piece of construction paper. Have your child sign the card and deliver it to someone in your neighborhood. After all, it is often the simplest gesture that means the most to others.
Moreover, you can elevate the Good Samaritan coloring page pack with watercolors. Print the coloring sheets on cardstock and let your kids practice their painting skills. In addition, your child will enjoy making a book from the Good Samaritan coloring page pack. Mount the colored pages on construction paper with a glue stick and staple them together along the long side of the paper to create a book. You can get creative with just a few craft supplies and coloring sheets!
Parable of the Good Samaritan Coloring Sheet
In conclusion, this Good Samaritan coloring sheet pack can be a fun way to teach your child about this meaningful parable. I pray that you and your child enjoy these coloring pages and that they encourage discussion about God’s Word. Finally, click the button below and get your free printable Good Samaritan coloring page pack.
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