Fruit of the Spirit Printables
If you are looking for Fruit of the Spirit printables and the Fruit of the Spirit games and crafts, you are in the right spot! In this post, I will share some of my favorite games, crafts, and activities for teaching children the Fruit of the Spirit. I love to use hands-on learning games and activities to teach God’s Truth to my children. I hope you find these Fruit of the Spirit printables and Fruit of the Spirit games and crafts fun and meaningful for you and your child!
Fruit of the Spirit Games and Crafts
The Fruit of the Spirit is one of my favorite Bible topics to teach my children. That is because “The Fruit” is a wonderful gift from God that can only come from Him! I want my children to know and understand that walking in God’s Ways will produce the blessing of God’s Fruit in their lives. I have found that hands-on learning tools are a great way to instill God’s Truth into my kids’ hearts.
Galatians 5:22-23 says:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
As you complete the Fruit of the Spirit printables and Fruit of the Spirit games and crafts found in this post, I suggest you use the experiences as opportunities to discuss the topic with your children. Ask them open-ended questions that can spark thoughtfulness and conversation. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 tells us to diligently teach our children “as we sit in our house and when we walk by the way.” Basically, every chance we get! As mamas, we have been called to train our children in righteousness so they will grow to know and love God with all their hearts, souls, and might. Craft and game time provides us, as parents and teachers, the perfect opportunity for fun and learning! Fun Bible activities teach God’s Truths in ways that stick with kids for a lifetime.
How to Teach Kids About the Fruit of the Spirit
When teaching my kids about the Fruit of the Spirit, I explain that God’s Fruit grows in our lives when we follow and obey Him. John 15:5 says:
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
This verse tells us that we will bear much fruit when we abide in God. Explain to your child the different ways we can stay close to God, such as reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, praying, and obeying God’s rules. We want to grow sweet fruit, not rotten fruit! We grow rotten fruit when we disobey God and do things our way. Let’s teach our precious kids to walk in God’s Ways so that they will live a life of blessing!
The Fruit of the Spirit is God’s love working in and shining through us. It is the evidence of the One True God living in our hearts and directing our steps. The Fruit of the Spirit is not a checklist to complete. It is a byproduct of living a life that pleases God. I pray that the Fruit of the Spirit games and crafts you find here on the Shema Culture blog will help your child know God’s deep and unrelenting love for them!
Easy Bible Crafts for Kids
Crafts are a great way to let children express their creativity. In addition, crafts can be a learning experience and a jumping-off point for meaningful conversation. Regarding the Fruit of the Spirit games and crafts, this activity couldn’t be easier! This Fruit of the Spirit printable is a simple craft that requires just a few supplies. The best part is that you probably already have the materials needed to complete the project.
To complete this craft, you will need scissors, a glue stick, cardstock, crayons or markers, and yarn or twine. First, print the free Fruit of the Spirit printable and have your child color it with crayons, markers, or colored pencils. If you have time to allow the printable to dry, watercolors work well to add color to this project. However, I suggest printing the PDF on cardstock if you choose to use watercolors to prevent a soggy result. Next, cut out the pieces and assemble them accordingly. Finally, add the yarn hanger to the piece. Once the hanger is attached, the project is complete! You can find the free Fruit of the Spirit printable and the complete instructions for this craft here or by clicking the image below:
Fruit of the Spirit Printable: FREE Crafts for Kids
Coloring sheets are a simple way to let children express their creativity. You can find Fruit of the Spirit printable coloring pages by clicking here or on the image below. The two free coloring sheets are a visual reminder of the Fruit of the Spirit and Galatians 5:22-23. Kids will have fun adding color to these pages. Your child can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, or watercolors to make the project their own. I suggest printing the coloring pages on cardstock if watercolors will be used.
Coloring pages can become their own crafting experience with a few extra supplies. Mount the coloring page on a colorful piece of construction paper and transform an ordinary coloring sheet into a poster. In addition, cut out the images from the coloring sheets, and mount them on construction paper. Punch a hole in the top of the cutouts, thread a piece of yarn through the hole, and tie a knot in the yarn to create hanging pieces that can be displayed.
Activities for the Fruit of the Spirit
If you are looking for a Fruit of the Spirit game, check out this Bible bingo game by clicking on the image below. Kids will have a blast learning the Fruit of the Spirit as they play! First, print the free Fruit of the Spirit printable found here or by clicking the image below. Next, you can use items found around your home to create game pieces. We love to use raisins, candies, or small pieces of paper. My kids are especially fond of edible game pieces! You are ready to play once you have printed your Fruit of the Spirit printable and gathered your game pieces!
How to Access the FREE Printables
Each Fruit of the Spirit printable mentioned in this post can be found by clicking the links above. Scroll to the bottom of each post and click the image to open the printable PDF. Also, the PDFs can be printed on computer paper or cardstock. I pray that these games and activities bless you and your family!
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