Are you looking for easy Bible crafts and free printables for your kids? Shema Culture is a website for Bible crafts and activities designed for busy moms. In addition, here on the blog, you’ll discover fun Biblical Feast ideas that will help you cultivate an atmosphere of spiritual growth in your home.
Meet Sunny from Shema Culture

I’m so glad you stopped by! As mamas, teaching our kids about living a pleasing life to God can feel overwhelming. I mean, talk about a tall order! But the Scriptures tell us that we are to not only teach them about God’s Truth but to teach them diligently:
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. — Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hands-On Bible Fun With Free Printables
So how does a mama live up to this standard? First, we must fully rely on the Holy Spirit’s leading and God’s strength to train our children in righteousness. One of the most powerful tools that the Lord has given us is the gift of other mamas. There’s nothing like the encouragement and wisdom from other women who are walking this motherhood journey alongside us.
While distance may separate us from getting to know each other face-to-face, we can connect through this blog. I created Shema Culture to help Bible-believing mamas teach their children about the love of God in a fun and engaging way. Here on the blog, I share free Bible printables, easy Bible crafts, interactive games, Biblical Feast ideas, and encouragement for moms.
Teaching kids about the Biblical Feasts and the Truth found in God’s Word doesn’t have to be complicated. And training children in God’s righteousness is certainly not about perfection. My heart desires the resources you find here on Shema Culture will equip you with ideas and inspiration to shape your child’s heart to look like the Lord’s. The free Bible activities and crafts I share are designed to be practical, fun, and easy to implement.
A Blog For Bible-Believing Mamas
Ever since becoming a mama, my heart has been pierced by the words of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Specifically, the phrase “teach them diligently” resounds in my spirit. As parents, God has called us to train our children in righteousness. Biblical parenting is not at all passive. Furthermore, we are called to teach our precious ones about God’s Truth “when we sit in our house and walk along the way.” In a nutshell, every moment that we get a chance!
Free Bible Printables for Busy Moms
When I created Shema Culture I had busy moms in mind! Here you’ll find hands-on Bible crafts and activities that point kids to God’s Truth. While each of us has our own set of beliefs and ways of doing things, I believe we all can agree that God has called us to teach our children to walk in His ways.
The Shema Culture blog is a place where we can put our differences aside and focus our attention on training our children to love God. A place where we, as mamas, can find encouragement for the challenges that come with raising children according to God’s Word. Choosing the narrow path isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it!

About Our Family
My husband and I live on a small homestead nestled among the trees along the Georgia coastline. After we married, we served for many years in ministry. During this time we felt passionate about the call God had placed on our lives. However, we felt as though something was missing. We were restless and couldn’t put our finger on exactly why. Therefore, we did what every believer seeking the Father’s direction should do: we prayed.
We asked God for two things. First, that He would show us His Truth and that He would show us how to love Him more. And, boy, did He answer! I always say that our prayers should have come with a disclaimer because He rocked our world! He opened our eyes to His Truth and called us to serve Him in a new and exciting way. Consequently, this was a difficult time for us, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
How We Teach Our Children About God’s Truth With Biblical Feasts Ideas
Many years after we were married God blessed us with our first child. After that, we suddenly faced an exciting but daunting task: teaching our daughter about God’s Word and Truth. As a former preschool teacher, I knew firsthand that hands-on learning is fun and effective for kids. I began thinking about how to mesh my teaching experience with my faith. I longed to teach my child about God’s Truth in a way that would speak to her heart.
After praying for guidance, the Lord began to show me how to create fun, easy Bible crafts and activities. Next, I began to share my ideas with like-minded friends who encouraged me to blog about what I was learning. I wanted to create a space where mamas could go to find free Bible printables, easy Bible crafts, and fun activities and games.

Shema Culture: Easy Bible Crafts and Activities for Families
That’s how Shema Culture was born. In addition to providing fun Bible craft ideas and activities, I wanted to make sure that these ideas are easy for moms to implement on the fly. There’s no need for you to run to your neighborhood big box craft store and spend 5 million dollars to use the ideas found on this blog. Most of the crafts and activities found here were designed to be done with supplies you probably already have around your house. That’s Because the truth is that if these ideas aren’t easy and accessible, you won’t do them.
I’ve created ideas around Ten Commandments crafts and games, The Fruit of the Spirit, and Fun Scavenger Hunts, and more. I’ve even included free printables that you can use to teach your children about God’s Truth and the Biblical Feasts. I pray that the resources found on Shema Culture help you to make training your children in righteousness a fun and meaningful experience for the whole family.
Using Free Bible Printables and Bible Crafts and Activities in Our Home
Since the arrival of our first child, we have welcomed two more blessings from the Lord. Teaching my young children about God’s Word has been a joy and delight for this mama’s heart. I love using simple household supplies and ideas to bring the Bible to life for my little ones. I pray that the ideas you discover on the Shema Culture blog bless you and your family!