Recently, my kids and I have discovered how to make DIY Bible character Peg dolls. We have been having a blast using various items from around our home to clothe these cute little wooden peg dolls. The best part about this project is that you get a lot of bang for your buck. These adorable Bible peg dolls are so easy to make and so affordable! Keep reading to find out how you can make Biblical character peg dolls with just a few simple supplies that you probably already have.
How to Make Bible Peg Dolls
Several years ago I started seeing people on the Internet making wooden peg dolls of various kinds. From movie characters to personalized family peg dolls, it seemed as though you could make just about anything or anyone into a peg doll! As a mama who strives to teach my children about God’s Word, I got the bug to create DIY Bible character peg dolls that I could use to teach the Bible to my kids.
There are many talented artists who have shops devoted to the wooden peg dolls that they create. However, I really wanted to make my own and get my kids involved in the process. So I researched how I could get my hands on the blank wood dolls (more about that in a minute). Then I got creative and figured out a cute and cost-effective way to give my Biblical peg dolls their own personality.
What are some fun ways to teach kids the Bible?
There are so many fun ways to teach kids the Bible! I love using games such as my Fruit of the Spirit Bingo Game and Ten Commandments Scavenger Hunt to train my children in God’s righteousness. Fun and engaging Bible crafts, games, and activities have a way of reaching the hearts of little ones like nothing else. If you want to check out all of my free printable Bible games and activities, check out this page.
Using DIY Bible character peg dolls is yet another fun way to teach kids about the amazing stories found in the Bible! Today, I had the sweet opportunity to observe my five-year-old daughter playing with the Israelite peg dolls we made. She was acting out the story of Moses and the Exodus with her dolls and my heart was about to burst with joy! Bible peg dolls can be a simple tool that can make a big impact on our kids!
Click the Images Below to Discover More Hands-On Bible Fun!
DIY Bible Character Peg Dolls
One of the great things about this peg doll project is that you can create pretty much any Bible character that you want using the basic concepts and instructions I will share with you here in this blog post. Our family opted to make a set of Moses and the Israelites peg dolls since we have been learning about the Ten Commandments and the parting of the Red Sea. In addition, you can easily make more generic Bible characters that can be used for various Bible stories. The possibilities are endless!
Our family is looking forward to creating peg dolls to represent the stories of Esther, David and Goliath, and Creation. You can recycle old textiles and combine them with other household items to create accessories for your peg doll Bible characters. Imagine the ways in which you could create trees, rocks, animals, houses, and so much more from everyday items! Your kids will have fun creating their peg dolls and accessories and playing with them.
How to Teach the Bible in a Fun Way
While this project is fun and crafty, I’ve got to be honest–it’s not always quick. The time it takes for you to create your peg dolls will largely depend on how many you plan to make. If you only plan to make a few at a time, your time spent will be minimal. However, we decided to jump in with both feet and create a whole Israelite army! I consider myself to be a crafty mama, but even I got a little weary of clothing our Israelite people. If you plan to make a lot of Biblical peg dolls at once I suggest pacing yourself and making them over a period of several days or even weeks.
How to Make Wood Bible Peg Dolls
The first thing you need to do to prepare to make your DIY Bible character peg dolls is to purchase wooden peg doll blanks. These can be found in a variety of places, both online and in brick-and-mortar craft stores. I purchased mine online here. The number of blanks you will need to buy will depend on the Bible characters you want to create. In many cases, you will find that the cost of each peg doll decreases when you buy them in larger quantities.
Another thing to consider is the size of your peg dolls. Would you like to make large peg dolls, small peg dolls, or a variety of sizes? I ordered an assortment of wooden peg dolls, which was great since we were making Israelite peg dolls. The variety of sizes allowed us to create a group of men, women, and children. If possible, I suggest purchasing extra wooden blanks in various sizes since this fun project tends to be addictive!
Supplies You Will Need
Here is a list of the supplies you will need to make your Biblical peg dolls:
- A glue gun and glue sticks OR tacky glue (get my glue gun here OR get tacky glue here)
- Fabrics of various textures and colors
- Scissors (get quality fabric scissors here)
- Wood peg dolls (I purchased mine here)
- Patience (you cannot buy this on Amazon, unfortunately)
You can choose to use either hot glue or tacky glue to complete this project. Of course, if you are working with little kids tacky glue may be your best bet. However, my five-year-old daughter used a low-temp hot glue gun and did very well. Tacky glue should hold the fabric in place without the risk of burning anyone’s little fingers. While hot glue dries very quickly, tacky glue will require a much longer drying time. Use the glue that works best for your family.
How to Make DIY Peg Doll Clothes
If you’re wondering how to make DIY peg doll clothes, you are in the right spot! Crafting clothes for these cute little peg dolls couldn’t be easier–and cheaper! I’m sure there are a million ways to make peg doll clothes. However, I chose to keep things simple and use items that I had around my house. When preparing to make peg doll clothes for your Bible characters, begin by looking for old textiles that you can give new life. For example, I used an old pillowcase, a threadbare dishcloth, and an old t-shirt to make clothes for my peg doll people.
My kids especially enjoyed giving their DIY Bible character peg dolls hair! We used various items to create the look of hair such as dryer lint (for Moses’s hair and beard), the stuffing from an old and tattered stuffed animal, and faux fur from the collar of an old sweater. Moses’s staff was created using a piece of wire covered in a coffee filter. There are so many creative ways to make clothes, hair, and accessories for your peg dolls! And the best part is that most of the time you can use items that would have otherwise ended up in the garbage can.
If you don’t have old textiles around your home, consider visiting a thrift shop to find what you need. Goodwill Outlets are an especially great resource for this project since their clothing costs very little. And you don’t feel so bad about cutting up a shirt or pair of pants you paid so little for! You could also ask friends and relatives if they have any clothing they need to get rid of. You will be amazed at how creative you can be with your resources when you start looking around and getting scrappy.
A Fun Bible Craft for Kids
Now it’s time to get creative and make your DIY Bible character peg dolls! The process our family used to create each doll is simple. First, we determined if we wanted to make a man, woman, or child doll. Next, we chose the fabric we wanted to use to make the doll’s clothes. Finally, we chose whether the doll would have hair and/or accessories. We found that it is easiest to group each material that you are using to create your dolls. For example, group together fabrics, the materials you will use to create hair, etc. That way, you can easily see what you have and grab from each pile what you need instead of digging through stacks of craft supplies.
After you make your fabric selections, it is time to get down to business! Begin by cutting a small square of fabric from your stash. Next, lay your peg doll onto the fabric square and cut the fabric to fit the doll’s body. Then you will place small beads of glue around the doll’s body and wrap it with the fabric. You can choose to layer on shawls, belts, etc. on top of the fabric. Be sure to trim the fabric to be flush with the bottom of the doll (see below) so that it will stand up easily when placed on a flat surface.
The final step is gluing on the hair. Cover the doll’s head in a small amount of glue and carefully place the “hair” of your choice. A little glue goes a long way here since too much will ooze through the faux hair and onto your fingers. Ask me how I know! There were several times after gluing on the hair to the dolls that we chose to give them a “haircut” to clean things up a bit. Again, be creative and have fun with the process! This craft is not about perfection, so go with the rough edges and forget about getting your fabric cuts just so.
Get Creative
This Bible peg doll project is fun for kids and their parents because it allows for lots of creativity. Even though you may be using a small number of fabric textures and colors, you will be surprised by how different each doll looks. When we were making our dolls, we did not overthink things and come up with a scientific formula for this craft. We simply grabbed some fabric, cut it to size, and glued it on. Then we chose the type of hair or head covering the dolls would have and we were done. It really is that simple!
How to Use Peg Dolls to Teach Bible Stories
Now that your Bible character peg dolls are finished, it’s time to put them to work! You can use these dolls in a variety of ways. However, I have found that the easiest way is to simply open your Bible and start reading the story of your choice. Give your kids a peg doll and allow them to act out the story as you read. Be sure to ask your kids lots of open-ended questions about the story you read. This encourages them to think about the story and the discussion will help the words get into the nooks and crannies of their hearts. And isn’t that exactly what we want? I pray that you and your children will enjoy this project and that it will draw all of you closer to the One True God!
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