This 10 Commandments Bingo Game is fun and engaging for kids of all ages. Teach your children about God’s Truth with these free printable bingo cards. Kids will enjoy playing a game that is exciting and educational. With a few simple steps, you and your family will be having a blast together in no time!
Ten Commandments Bingo Game Activity
I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy seeing my kids having fun and learning at the same time. What’s more, kids tend to retain more of what they learn when they do so in a hands-on manner. As a former preschool teacher, I rarely taught using flash cards or seatwork. My classroom was centered around hands-on learning because I saw the difference it made in my students’ learning experience.
These days I am a homeschooling mom who is always looking for creative methods to teach my children in ways that are fun and exciting. When it came time to introduce my children to the Ten Commandments, I knew that I needed to come up with interesting ways to present God’s Laws in ways that would speak to their hearts. We know that God’s Word can stand on its own due to the fact that it is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword:
For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. –Hebrews 4:12
I love the power of Yaheweh’s Word! I also love that He provides us with ideas and creativity to make His Truth come even more alive to our little ones. As mamas, we know the importance of training our children in righteousness. When it comes to making sure our kids understand the Father’s ways, I can’t think of a better place to start than by teaching them about the Ten Commandments. That’s why, along with this 10 Commandments Bingo Game, I also created a 10 Commandments Match Game and a 10 Commandments Scavenger Hunt Game.

Ten Commandments Bible Bingo
As with every game and activity found on the Shema Culture blog, this 10 Commandments Bingo Game is easy to prepare and play. Simply print the free printable bingo cards and call-out clues. You can access this resource by clicking the link at the end of this blog post. I have created 6 unique bingo cards, so each child in a group of 6 or fewer will have a different card.
You can choose to print the Bible bingo cards in color or in black and white. Currently, my color printer is hanging out in a storage unit due to a recent move, so black and white it is. In addition, you may want to print your cards onto cardstock, but plain computer paper works in a pinch. And there’s always the option to laminate the cards to make them last longer. However, I just never quite get around to that step. It’s a good thing we aren’t worried about our projects being Pinterest-worthy around here! What we do care about is teaching our children about God’s Truth with the supplies and resources we have on hand.

Once you’ve got your supplies in order, cut out the call-out clues along the dotted lines. You will find that the call-out cards include a duplicate copy since each printable bingo card contains duplicate images or Commandments. You can save a little bit of time by stacking the call-out card printouts on top of one another and cutting them all out at the same time. Place the cards into a bowl and have another empty bowl on hand as you prepare to play the game.

10 Commandments Bingo Free Printable
Now you’re ready to play! Begin by explaining to the players how the game works. You will draw, at random, a card out of the bowl and read it aloud. After reading the card, place it in the empty bowl. If you end up exhausting your cards, begin drawing from the second bowl to continue the game. Some call-out cards contain Commandments and some contain words describing images. For example, some cards include a picture of a Bible, so the card will read “Bible.” As with traditional bingo games, each player will cover the image or Commandment when they appear on their cards. There is no need to pay attention to the “BINGO” at the top of the player cards unless you’d like to make the game more challenging. The call-out cards focus on the Commandments and images, not the “BINGO” letters.

What you choose to use as game pieces to cover your Bible bingo cards is up to you. This is an opportunity for you to be creative! I often use construction paper cut into small squares. Small snacks are always fun to use for bingo game pieces, such as chocolate chips or raisins. You could even use cotton balls or mini pretzels. Of course, the challenge is always to keep your kids from eating the edible bingo game pieces! The point is to use what you have around your house and to have fun!

10 Commandments Games for Kids of All Ages
As with most of the games and activities found on the Shema Culture blog, this Ten Commandments Bingo Game can be modified to fit the learning level of your child. Younger children will rely more on the images they see and they may require more help from you. Feel free to challenge older children when you call out the clues, particularly the Commandments. Instead of reading the entire Commandment from the card, ask them a question about the Commandment. For example, “Which Commandment has to do with jealousy?” Or, call out the Commandment number and see if your kids can match it with the correct Commandment.
While this Ten Commandments Bingo Game can be played in a variety of ways, I suggest allowing each player to only cover one image square at a time. Each card includes duplicates of some of the images. For example, If you were to call out “No Idols” and a player has two of the image representing this Commandment on his card, allow them to cover only one of his choosing.
If your group of children includes a wide range of ages, pairing a younger child with an older child is a great way to increase learning and build camaraderie. Younger kids look up to their older counterparts and allowing older children to help their younger friends can build their confidence. However you choose to play this 10 Commandments Bingo Game, use it to fit your situation and needs. Again, the important thing is that your kids have fun while learning about God’s Word.

Ten Commandments Bingo Activity: Other Variations
Clearly, there are many ways to play this Bible bingo game. How you choose to deem the winner of this game is up to you. You can always use the traditional methods of playing bingo, such as covering the images on the card horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Or, you could require that the players go for a “blackout” card in which every image on the card is covered. It’s completely up to you!

10 Commandments Printable Bingo Game for Kids
It is my prayer that this Bible bingo game is a blessing to you and your family! May the Word of God get into the nooks and crannies of your child’s heart as they have fun with this activity. I am so thankful that Yahweh has given you the heart to teach your children about His Truth. You are a blessing to your family and you are creating an atmosphere in your home conducive to growing in the Word. May the Father richly bless you!
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