This printable 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity is a great way to teach your kids about the terrible plagues that happened long ago. This free printable bingo game is great for children of all ages. In addition, if you’re looking for some Passover fun, look no further! Celebrate Passover with kids by playing this Bible bingo game and learning about God’s Word!
10 Plagues Free Printable
Whether celebrating Passover with kids or studying the ten plagues in the Bible, this printable 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity is perfect! Your kids will have a blast learning about the terrible plagues that struck Egypt so long ago. There is so much that we, as believers today, can learn from this powerful Biblical account.
As a mom, I’m always looking for ways to get God’s Word into my kids’ hearts. I want my children to know that the stories found in the Bible aren’t fairy tales, but events that actually happened. When I started teaching my children about the book of Exodus and the ten plagues, I knew that I wanted to create a game to help them remember the plagues. Games that teach God’s Truth help kids remember Biblical stories and provide opportunities for us, as parents, to ask probing heart questions about the stories. These questions cause children to think about the nuances of the Biblical account, such as the thoughts and feelings of the characters involved as the story plays out.
If you are a mama who loves simple games that teach children about the Truth of God’s Word, be sure to check out my other blog posts. I have created free printable Bible games such as a Ten Commandments Scavenger Hunt and Ten Commandments Bingo. In addition, you can find all of my free printable Bible activities for kids on my Free Bible Craft Printables page.
10 Plagues in Order
Though I grew up in a mainstream church and a Christian home, I must confess–my recollection of the 10 plagues is less than stellar. Which plague came first? When did the plague of darkness happen? I’m sure I’m not the only mama who struggles with remembering Biblical facts, right? The great news is that teaching your children with this printable 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity helps you to learn about the plagues right along with your kids. And don’t worry–your kids will be sure to correct you if you happen to get a plague out of order!
Speaking of the 10 plagues in order, let’s refresh our memories on the topic, shall we?
- Water turning to blood
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies
- Dead Livestock
- Boils
- Hail/Fire
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Death of Firstborn Children
Ten Plagues of Eqypt Bingo Game: Passover Fun
Several years ago my family started celebrating Passover. I can’t tell you what a blessing it has been to observe this beautiful Biblical holiday! In addition, to gathering with our faith family to celebrate and remember Passover, I set out to create learning activities to help my children learn about the powerful Biblical account of the first Passover. Of course, the 10 plagues of Egypt are central to this story. So, I made a 10 plagues of Egypt activity bingo game to teach my children about how Yahweh’s power ultimately overcame Pharoah’s hardened heart.
Playing games is a great way to teach kids about the Bible. Hands-on learning has a way of cementing Yahweh’s Truth in the hearts of little ones. And I believe that teaching children about the Biblical Feast Days adds even more meaning to our lives. That’s because these Set-Apart Days reflect the Messiah in every detail! Using engaging ideas that speak to the hearts of our children is a meaningful way to add a little Passover fun into the mix.
Passover Activity for Kids: 10 Plagues of Egypt Free Printable Game
As with the other fun games and activities you find on the Shema Culture blog, this 10 Plagues of Egypt Activity is easy to prepare and implement. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post to find the free 10 plagues printable. It includes six unique Bible bingo cards and the accompanying call-out answer cards. You will notice that the call-out answer cards are duplicated in the printable. That’s because there are duplicate images found on the bingo cards.
10 Plagues of Egypt Bible Game for Kids: How to Prepare
To prepare to play this 10 plagues game, you will begin by printing the free printable I previously mentioned. You can choose to print the bingo cards on cardstock or on regular computer paper. Printing on cardstock will cause your cards to last longer, but it’s definitely not a requirement. Also, you have the option of printing in color or in black and white. I personally prefer color for this printable because it helps some of the images come to life. For example, the image that represents the water turning to blood will make more sense to kids when they are able to see the color red. However, you can certainly play this game with a black-and-white printed card!
After preparing the 10 plagues of Egypt bingo cards, you will need to cut out the call-out answer cards. Simply cut along the dotted lines and place them in a bowl. Have another bowl handy for placing used call-out cards. Finally, you will need some sort of game pieces for your kids to cover the images on their bingo cards. In the past, I have cut small squares of construction paper for this purpose. Our family also likes to use edible game pieces, such as raisins, mini pretzels, or chocolate chips. Edible game pieces are always fun–if you can keep your kids from eating them before the game starts! For this game, golden raisins were our tasty game-piece choice.
10 Plagues of Egypt Activity Bingo Game: How to Play
Playing this 10 Plagues of Egypt activity game can be as simple or challenging as you make it. To play, simply follow the traditional bingo game rules. You can have children achieve “bingo” by covering the squares on their cards vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Also, you could choose to have them “blackout” their cards in which every image must be covered to win.
The easiest way to play this game is to omit the “bingo letters” and just focus on using the call-out cards. However, if you are working with older children, you may wish to include the “bingo letters.” If so, rotate through the letters as you draw a call-out card. For example, if you were to draw the “frogs” call-out card you would say, “B, frogs.” You get the idea. As you draw a call-out card from the bowl, place it in the other bowl. After you’ve exhausted the cards from the first bowl you can start drawing from the second bowl. This game was created for you, so make it work for you and your scenario. The most important thing is that your kids have fun while learning about God’s Word!
Ten Plagues of Egypt Activity Game: Variations for Older Kids
Older kids may find the simplicity of this game less than challenging. If you find that you need to ramp things up for your kids, here are some ideas: First, instead of calling out the plague from the call-out card, call out the plague number and have the kids determine which plague image they should cover. For example, if you draw the “water turning to blood” card you would say “the first plague.” Or you could give your kids hints about the plague card that you draw. For example, if you draw the “Pharaoh” card you could say “His heart was hardened.” There are a million variations to this game. Again, make it your own and make it work for you!
Passover Bingo Game: Ten Plagues
Whether you’re using this game for Passover fun or to teach the 10 plagues to your kids, this activity will engage your kids in the process. It is my prayer that this simple game will be a tool for drawing your children closer to Yahweh by learning about His power and might. Enjoy this game and the time you spend playing it with your precious arrows!
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