These Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets are fun for kids of all ages! You can use these free Fruit of the Spirit activity pages with your child at home or in a group setting. Preschool children, older kids, and every age in between will enjoy learning about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit as they complete these fun activity sheets. Read on to get your free printable Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets and learn some fun ways to teach your children about this meaningful topic.
Fruit of the Spirit Activity Sheets: Free Printable
As a mama, I love teaching my children about the Fruit of the Spirit, found in the book of Galatians. That’s because the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a wonderful gift from God! I want my children to know and understand that the One True God loves them so much that He lavishes blessings and spiritual gifts upon them when they choose to walk in His Ways! Therefore, I created these fun Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets to help my kids better understand the Spiritual Fruits in the Bible.
Fruit of the Spirit Worksheets
My children enjoy simple activity sheets that teach Biblical concepts. They are especially fond of hidden pictures, word scramble, coloring pages, and “same and different” worksheets. For that reason, I created a variety of activity pages with the Fruit of the Spirit theme. I hope your child has fun working on these Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets!
Spiritual Fruits in the Bible: More Ideas for Kids
As I mentioned, the Fruit of the Spirit theme is popular in my house. That being the case, I created Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets and other crafts and games to help me teach my kids about this topic. The Shema Culture blog has several crafts, games, and activities that teach the Fruit of the Spirit. Your child will love playing Fruit of the Spirit bingo and going on a Fruit of the Spirit scavenger hunt. In addition, your child will enjoy making a fun Fruit of the Spirit hanging art project and getting creative with Fruit of the Spirit coloring pages.
My children have enjoyed participating in these activities and their understanding of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit has grown. Most of the crafts, games, and activities on the Shema Culture blog are designed to use minimal materials and be easy to implement. You can find all of the activities I mentioned by clicking the image below:
Fruit of the Spirit Activity Pages
One thing I love about these Fruit of the Spirit activity pages is that they are a simple tool for sparking meaningful conversation. For example, as your child colors the coloring page and works on the activities, use the opportunity to ask them open-ended questions. Below are a few questions about the Fruit of the Spirit. I pray these questions lead to purposeful conversation that helps to shape your child’s heart to look more like the Father’s:
What do you think it means to have the Fruit of the Spirit?
Can you name all the Fruit of the Spirit?
Which Fruit of the Spirit do you think is the hardest to show? Why?
Can you think of a time when you showed kindness to someone?
How can we show love to others, even when it’s hard?
Have you ever been patient when waiting for something? What helped you be patient?
What does it mean to have joy? Can you think of something that brings you joy?
When have you felt peace in your heart, even in a difficult situation?
How can we show goodness to others?
Can you share a time when you were gentle with someone or something?
What does it mean to be faithful? How can we show faithfulness to our friends and family?
How can we practice self-control, especially when we really want to do or have something?
Printable Fruits of the Holy Spirit Worksheet
Like many Bible topics, the Fruit of the Spirit can be difficult to explain to children. It can be a daunting task to teach our children about God’s Truth. After all, it is one of the highest callings in the world! One of the most intimidating things about teaching kids Biblical concepts is the possibility of them asking us difficult questions. I don’t know about you, but my kids can come up with some interesting questions!
However, I want to encourage you to not allow fear to deter you from teaching your children about the Bible. Be honest with your kids when you don’t have answers to their questions. When my kids stump me with a question my response is “I’m not sure about that. Let’s study our Bible together and see what God says about that.” I believe that it is important to show my kids that I don’t have all of the answers, but I know where to find them. In addition, I teach my children that God doesn’t intend for us to know everything this side of the Kingdom. We should seek His Truth and have a desire to learn more about Him. However, some things will remain a mystery until we see Him face to face.
Ideas for Explaining the Fruit of the Spirit to Kids
Here are some ideas to help you and your child dive deeper into the Fruit of the Spirit. Explain that the Fruit of the Spirit is a special gift from God. The “Fruit” is a good thing that God wants to grow in our hearts, like fruit that grows on a tree or bush. Talk about each Fruit individually, using simple language and relatable examples. For example:
Love: Explain that love is about caring for others and being kind and helpful to them.
Joy: Describe joy as feeling happy inside, even when things are tough.
Peace: Peace means feeling calm and safe, like when everything feels okay.
Patience: Patience is waiting calmly without getting upset, like waiting for your turn in a game.
Kindness: Kindness is being friendly and nice to everyone, even if they’re different from you.
Goodness: Goodness is doing what’s right and helping others, like sharing your toys.
Faithfulness: Faithfulness means keeping your promises and being loyal to your friends.
Gentleness: Gentleness is being soft and careful with others, like softly petting a puppy.
Self-Control: Self-control is being able to stop yourself from doing something even when you really want to.
More Ideas for Teaching Kids the Fruit of the Spirit
Use Examples: Give examples from your child’s everyday life to illustrate each fruit. You can use stories and experiences. In addition, ask your child for examples from their own life.
Relate to Them: Help your child understand that these fruits are things they can learn and practice every day, with God’s help. Encourage your child to think about how he or she can show these fruits in interactions with family, friends, and others.
Emphasize God’s Help: Remind your child that growing these Fruits is something that can’t be done on his or her own. But with God’s help and by following the Messiah’s example, his or her Fruit will grow.
Encourage Practice: Encourage your child to practice these living out the Fruits in their daily life and celebrate when they see them growing in themself and others. I pray that these Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets will be a blessing to you and your child. Get your free printable Fruit of the Spirit activity sheets by clicking the image below:
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