Counting the Omer with children can be a fun and exciting experience for the whole family. In this article, I’ll show you how to make your very own DIY Omer counter with simple materials that you probably have around your home. These activities will help your kids grasp a deeper understanding of why we count the Omer. In addition, counting the Omer builds anticipation as Shavuot approaches. Let’s get started!
DIY Omer Counters to Make With Your Family
“You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the Lord.” – Leviticus 23:15-16
Our family first learned about counting the Omer several years back when we intentionally began to observe the Torah. I must admit, wrapping my brain around how to count the Omer took me a while as this practice is quite the departure from my Southern Baptist roots. Celebrating the Biblical Feasts can sometimes feel daunting, but I believe that we sometimes make the process more difficult than it needs to be.
As the verses from Leviticus state, we simply count fifty days beginning the day after the Sabbath. I’m not here to debate which day we should begin counting as I understand that opinions on this topic vary. When you choose to start counting is up to you and your family according to how you interpret the Scriptures. But let’s agree together that we should make the effort to count the Omer and teach our children how and why to do so.
How to Make Your Own DIY Omer Counter
The great news about counting the Omer with your kids is that it can be as simple or elaborate as you choose. In years past, I used a simple handmade calendar-style counter. It was nothing more than a few lines and numbers drawn with a marker on a piece of poster board. And you know what? It worked great! However, this year I decided that I wanted to make something a little more substantial that I could use for several years to come. So, I grabbed a few materials from my garage and craft drawer and got to work.
Make an Omer Counter With Household Supplies
I did a quick Pinterest search and was inspired by an Omer counter that I found. This DIY Omer counter was made from disposable bathroom cups, a piece of cardboard, and some construction paper. Unfortunately, the image did not have a link attached to it or I would include it here to give credit where credit is due.
Filled with all sorts of “Pinspiration,” I busted out my handy glue gun and got to work. I grabbed a large piece of cardboard from my garage and a wrapping paper scrap from the closet in the spare bedroom. Then I found some scrapbook paper from my crafting stash, a pair of scissors, and some packing tape. The only item that I needed to purchase for this project were the plastic containers that would be attached to the board. I headed to the Dollar Tree to pick up some disposable condiment cups with lids. However, my Mom found mini reusable plastic containers with lids that were more durable but the same price. Score!
Omer Counting Made Easy
The process for constructing my DIY Omer counter was pretty straightforward. I started by laying my plastic containers on top of the cardboard that I had cut from a lawnmower box we had in the garage. I wanted to organize the containers in rows of five, so I spaced them with my very precise measuring tool: my eyeballs.
Once I determined that my cardboard was the right size to hold my containers, I was ready to cover my cardboard with wrapping paper. Deciding to use a thick and durable wrapping paper that I had on hand worked well because I am hoping that I can use this Omer counter for several years to come. I simply wrapped the cardboard like a present, leaving the back exposed. I used a glue stick on the front of the cardboard so that the paper would have a smooth finish and I used packing tape to secure the paper on the back.
Omer Counting With Kids: Homemade Counter
After the cardboard was wrapped, I placed my plastic containers where I wanted them. I did not use specific measurements since I am more of an “eyeball it” kind of gal. Using my handy dandy glue gun, I secured those bad boys to the board. I only had to reposition a couple of containers that started veering from the straight and narrow. Not too shabby when you’re rebellious like me and absolutely refuse to use a ruler. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Next, I glued my scrapbook paper to the top of the board to create a framed “mat” look. Then I printed the verses from Leviticus regarding the counting of the Omer and glued it to the mat. I’ve included the printables that I used with this project at the bottom of this article so that you can make your very own DIY Omer counter. All you need to do is download them, print them out, and glue them on. Easy peasy.
Omer Counter Ideas for Kids
Next, I printed the numbers 1 – 50 from the free printable included at the end of this article and cut them out. After hot gluing the numbers onto the lids, I filled each container with a Bible verse and a prize and placed the lids on the containers. I simply printed short Bible verses onto computer paper and cut them out. Each container also contains a daily “prize.” Our prizes include healthy snacks, such as raisins and walnuts (because my daughter loves them and is part squirrel). Most of our prizes are non-edible treats like stickers and experiences such as “play with Play-Doh” or “read a special book with Mommy.” I chose simple verses and prizes since I have small children, but feel free to customize the verses and prizes you use to your children’s ages and interests.
Finally, I embellished the board with a few felt flowers that I had on hand. My crafty Mom had them left over from another craft project and I thought they would put the perfect finishing touch on our DIY Omer counting chart. You can embellish your board with paper flowers, felt pieces, stickers, and so much more. Get creative and have fun with it! My daughter had a blast helping me with our Omer counter. Getting your kids involved in the creation of your Omer counting chart will get them excited about counting every day as they anticipate the arrival of Shavuot.
DIY Omer Counting Chart: Our Counting Method
So, our Omer counting chart is made. . . how do we use it? Every day, we recite a prayer regarding the counting of the Omer. I’ve included the printable for the prayer at the bottom of this article. Print it out, put it in a frame, and use a dry-erase marker to change the number every day. After we say our prayer, we open the container that corresponds with the day. My daughter loves opening the container to see which prize is inside. Pro tip: leave the Bible verses and paper strips with the “experiences” on them inside the container and you won’t have to redo the filling of the containers next year.
Creative Ways to Count the Omer
This DIY counting the Omer project was fun to make, but if you’re looking for a more simple way to make an Omer counter, I’ve got you covered. Check out these easy ideas:
Counting the Omer Clothespin Line
Attach a length of twine to the wall and attach fifty clothes pins to it. Remove a clothespin every day until your twine is empty.
Paper Chain Omer Counter
Cut fifty pieces of colorful construction paper into strips and tape them together to form a paper chain. Remove one link every day as you count the Omer.
Easy DIY Count the Omer Idea
Print the numbers printable (included at the bottom of this article) and cut them out. Place each number on a wall with painter’s tape and remove a number every day until Shavuot arrives.
Counting the Omer As a Family
Counting the Omer as a family can be a fun experience for everyone. Biblical Feasts and Appointed Times are wonderful opportunities to teach our children about Yahweh’s love and commandments. Mama, I want to encourage you to make counting the Omer in your home a priority. With just a few simple materials, a little bit of effort, and a whole lot of love, you are creating a beautiful atmosphere for your family that is rooted in the Father’s Truth.
Free Counting the Omer Printables
Without further ado, here are your free counting of the Omer printables. Simply click the buttons below and print the documents. I pray you and your family are blessed as you count the Omer together!
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